How To Love You - A Faith Journey

You Can Make It

If you are reading this article cheers to you.  You’re here! I know that sounds funny but don’t take any day for granted.  I can say that with a certain conviction because there was a point I didn’t want to be here, I was lost, confused, and desperate for something more. My life certainly hasn’t been all roses. I’ve come a long way and while I still face challenges each one has helped prepare me for what’s ahead.

The Early Years

I grew up in church, surrounded by faith all my life but deep down inside I dealt with insecurities that held me captive. Completely distracted me from the greatness within. One night I remember throwing in the towel saying to myself– if this God everyone speaks of is so great I will give it a shot and see if truly following him will make a difference in my life.

The Turnaround, True Faith

The peace came immediately but the true change took time. I had to realize there was a God who created me just the way I was with plans for me greater than I could even comprehend. I went from feeling overlooked and misunderstood to my eyes being wide open, willing to trust the process and journey I was on.  

Loving Me, Being Self Aware

It really boiled down to me loving myself enough to go after what I wanted in life.  Only then could I really fit into the picture with anyone else. Being comfortable in my own skin allowed me to recognize the unique abilities inside and find greater connectivity with family, and friends.  Later, opening the door for the love of my life to come sweep my off my feet.

Turning the Corner

From there I found the ability to flourish, chase big dreams graduate from college, lead a successful career, and start a family. None of these came easy for me, I hard to work hard, REALLY hard at times. Not just physically but mentally to keep it all together, not question the process and stay focused on the prize.  In those moments when self-doubt tried to settle in my faith kept me strong. I would remind myself of the previous mountain I had overcome.  Each one was a like stepping stone for the next. While the obstacles changed, I felt confident in my ability to make it through.

Carrying On

There are challenges we will all face, I know I still do.  Especially when we make the decision to follow Christ life can get even harder at times.   The Bible even speaks to this but it’s important to remember you are equipped for the journey ahead. When life gets overwhelming and you don’t know where to start.

Remember these keys:

  • You were created with a uniqueness no one else has
  • Anchor in someone who is greater than you
  • Don't lose sight of how far you have come
  • Everything you need is on the inside 

We all have a journey, a process, a story to tell. No one knows what your truly going through but you.  As you walk yours out know, you can make and will, don’t give up during the fight!


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1 comment

  • Love when people share their story.

    Andrea Michaela Hayed

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